Artist Statement
I’m taken with the beauty of a milkweed; its silken seeds emerging from a pod, frozen water forming translucent drips on branches after an ice storm, fern-like patterns forming on glass after a blustery cold night that resembles my own saliva fern patterns that can only be seen at microscopic levels during ovulation. I love vines that relentlessly climb structures to get closer to the sun, and irises, that when looked at closely; between the inner folds and creases, reveal a soft layered beauty. I’m conscious of Earth’s cycles and the natural rhythms of life: lunar phases, ocean tides, the migration of birds, and how a folded bud anticipates the birth of spring. Rocks, glaciers, plants, and animals all evolve in concert with these processes. Humans too, exist within this cycle of nature. I’m conscious of my own female reproductive system that operates in a similar cyclical rhythm. Charting my fertility signals such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and cervical position each day allows me to be in harmony with nature’s wider cycles. My work captures the connection between humans and nature through subtle representations.